Deleveraging definícia deutsch


Dobro ve filosofii Pokusy o definici. Britský filosof George Edward Moore ve vlivném díle Principia ethica ovšem upozorňuje, že přídavné jméno „dobrý“ nelze nahradit žádným jiným a všechny takové pokusy nazývá „naturalistickým klamem“ (naturalistic fallacy).

English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) · Français (France) · Deutsch deleverage definition: intransitive verbtransitive verb -·aged, -·ag·ing 1. to reduce (the amount of one's debt) 2. to reduce the amount leveraged on (an asset, etc.) Definícia licencií slobodnej kultúry Licencie sú právny nástroj, pomocou ktorého môže vlastník určitých práv prenášať tieto práva na tretie strany. Licencie slobodnej kultúry žiadne práva neodoberajú – súhlas s nimi je vždy dobrovoľný a ak ich nadobúdateľ prijme, priznávajú mu slobody, ktoré autorský zákon sám Avoiding excessive deleveraging by the banking sector in a downturn is important owing to the relevance of aggregate bank balance sheet size for the future path of the economy.

Deleveraging definícia deutsch

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borrowing) to accelerate their growth or return, however, when a company is concerned about defaulting on its obligations or concerned about rampant losses, it can use deleveraging to lower its risk of default and mitigate its losses. By deleveraging its balance sheet, a company sells Deleveraging. In economic terms, leverage means to use a loan to acquire an asset. Deleveraging, then, is the process of reducing the size of the loan.

Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'deleveraging' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer

düşük kaldıraçlama. 2. Ticaret/Ekonomi. deleveraging i.

Deleveraging synonyms, Deleveraging pronunciation, Deleveraging translation, English dictionary definition of Deleveraging. v. de·lev·er·aged , de·lev·er·ag

květen 2017 Y NRQNUpWQRP RGERUH þL W\SH þLQQRVWL Daná definícia sa stala základom.

Definícia podľa STN EN ISO 9000 Produkt je výsledok súboru vzájomne súvisiacich alebo vzájomne pôsobiacich činností, ktoré transformujú vstupy na výstupy.. Výrobok alebo produkt je výstup z výroby.Je to hmotný ekonomický statok.. Je to materiálna úžitková hodnota ako výsledok výrobného procesu, schopná bezprostredne Leveraging — or borrowing — has been cited as one of the contributors to the financial crisis. Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains how the move to deleverage… Definícia identifikátora používateľa; Definícia kliknutia; Definícia konverzného pomeru; Definícia nadmerného zobrazovania; Definícia odhadu ponuky pre hornú časť stránky; Definícia odhadu ponuky pre prvú stránku; Definícia odporúčaného priemerného denného rozpočtu; Definícia priemerného denného rozpočtu; Definícia reklamnej skupiny Viac informácií o anglické slovo: ballouville, vrátane definície, synonymá, hradiť antonymom výslovnosť.

Learn more. de·lev·er·age (dē-lĕv′ər-ĭj, -lĕv′rĭj) v. de·lev·er·aged, de·lev·er·ag·ing, de·lev·er·ag·es v.intr. To reduce debt, often by selling assets and using ‘No deleveraging of any consequence has yet taken place in the US corporate sector; borrowing in fact, has continued unabated.’ ‘Now, however, it looks like we could be in the early stage of a deleveraging process.’ ‘And if stocks have commenced a meaningful decline, we would expect considerable deleveraging here as well.’ English term or phrase: deleverage Definition from Investopedia: A company's attempt to decrease its financial leverage. The best way for a company to delever is to immediately pay off any existing debt on its balance sheet. Translate Deleveraging.

Definícia je vymedzenie významu nejakého výrazu; logická operácia / postup formulovania kritérií rozlíšenia skúmanej entity od iných entít ( špecifikácia entity) konštruovania entity, používania entity a vyjadrovania špecifík významového útvaru, napríklad pojmu . At the micro-economic level, deleveraging refers to the reduction of the leverage ratio, or the percentage of debt in the balance sheet of a single economic entity, such as a household or a firm. It is the opposite of leveraging, which is the practice of borrowing money to acquire assets and multiply gains and losses. 18.09.2019 Deleveraging occurs when an individual or company tries to decrease its total financial leverage. The most common form of deleveraging, whether by an individual or a company, is to pay off as many or all of its debts.

Deleverage Definition: to reduce the ratio of debt capital to equity capital in an organization or (of an | Bedeutung, Aussprache, Übersetzungen und Beispiele The term "deleveraging" may not seem like that big of a deal to the average person but it most definitely represents one of the most terrifying words to econ Sep 18, 2019 · Deleveraging is a term that comes to the forefront during and after times of economic turmoil, whether that's a downturn, an all-out recession, or a depression.In most cases, it applies to What is DELEVERAGING? What does DELEVERAGING mean? DELEVERAGING meaning - DELEVERAGING pronunciation - DELEVERAGING d Ihr Wörterbuch im Internet für Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzungen, mit Forum, Vokabeltrainer und Sprachkursen. Natürlich auch als App. Deleveraging synonyms, Deleveraging pronunciation, Deleveraging translation, English dictionary definition of Deleveraging. v. de·lev·er·aged , de·lev·er·ag How deleveraging works. Say that a company has £10,000,000 in assets, of which £5,000,000 is funded by debt and £5,000,000 is funded by equity.

What does DELEVERAGING mean? DELEVERAGING meaning - DELEVERAGING pronunciation - DELEVERAGING d Ihr Wörterbuch im Internet für Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzungen, mit Forum, Vokabeltrainer und Sprachkursen. Natürlich auch als App. Deleveraging synonyms, Deleveraging pronunciation, Deleveraging translation, English dictionary definition of Deleveraging. v. de·lev·er·aged , de·lev·er·ag How deleveraging works. Say that a company has £10,000,000 in assets, of which £5,000,000 is funded by debt and £5,000,000 is funded by equity. During the business year, the firm earns £1,000,000 in net income.

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Deleverage Definition: to reduce the ratio of debt capital to equity capital in an organization or (of an | Bedeutung, Aussprache, Übersetzungen und Beispiele Deleveraging is a term that comes to the forefront during and after times of economic turmoil, whether that's a downturn, an all-out recession, or a depression.In most cases, it applies to The term "deleveraging" may not seem like that big of a deal to the average person but it most definitely represents one of the most terrifying words to econ What is DELEVERAGING? What does DELEVERAGING mean?